MVSB Christmas Concert – SOLD OUT!

Fetcham Village Hall The Street, Fetcham, Surrey, United Kingdom

*UPDATE*    Our annual Christmas concert is now sold out!   Join us for some festive favourites old and new at our annual Christmas Concert! Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start with a refreshment break at our half way point. Tickets are £10 To book a ticket for this event, please call 01372 […]

Spring Concert

Fetcham Village Hall The Street, Fetcham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Join us for an afternoon of uplifting brass band music in Fetcham for our Spring Concert! Doors open at 2.00pm and refreshments will be provided during the interim. We look forward to seeing you there!

Saddleworth and Oldham Whit Friday Band Contests

The Mole Valley Silver Band are for the first time in their history, attending the Saddleworth Whit Friday Marches! We are very excited to be a part of this event and seeing all the other bands compete too. It is certainly a destination event and if you're planning on going, we look forward to seeing […]

Ashstead Village Day

Ashtead Village Hall Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, Surrey, United Kingdom

Mole Valley Silver Band are looking forward to playing at Ashtead Village Day. Timings on the day are TBC. Please do pop down and enjoy the vast array of entertainment on offer from fairground rides, delicious food and locally brewed beers. The event includes a wide range of over 100 stalls, from youth organisations and […]

MVSB Summer Concert supporting Bookham Community Association

Bookham Village Hall Old Barn Hall, Church Road, Bookham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Please do join us for our Summer Concert in support of Bookham Community Association! Tickets are available for £10, please call our Band Secretary on 01372 456176 or Bookham Barn Hall on 01372 456307 to reserve a place! Doors open at 7.30pm and half time refreshments will be provided along with a raffle. We look […]


Cannon Court Recreation Ground Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Cannon Court Evangelical Church presents..............The Big Family Fun Day! Mole Valley Silver Band are pleased to be a part of this fun family day, come on down and have a listen! Free ice-cream, inflatables, tug of war and much more to enjoy!  

Guildford Castle – a free afternoon concert

Guildford Castle 10 Castle Street, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

Join us for a wonderful afternoon of music at the beautiful Guildford Castle Bandstand. Entry to the castle grounds are free, we hope to see you there!  

Dyscover Christmas Charity Concert

The Good Shepherd Church The Good Shepherd Church, The Avenue, Tadworth, Surrey, United Kingdom

Please join us for a wonderful afternoon of music to raise funds for Dyscover. Mole Valley Silver Band will be playing some festive numbers for your entertainment! Dyscover is a local charity based in Leatherhead that provides long term support and opportunity for people with aphasia, a communication disability most often acquired after a stroke […]

Carols by Candlelight

Leatherhead Parish Church Church Road, Leatherhead, United Kingdom

Join us at the wonderful Leatherhead Parish Church for an early evening Carol Concert. Get caught up in the glory and wonder of the Christmas story in an awe-inspiring setting, with readings and carols. Come and sing your favourite carols. Mince pies and mulled wine included! Join us at either 5pm or 7pm. Due to […]

Christmas Concert 2024

Fetcham Village Hall The Street, Fetcham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Join us for some festive favourites old and new at our annual Christmas Concert! Doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start with a refreshment break at our half way point. Mince pies, teas and coffees will be available. Tickets are £10 To book a ticket for this event, please call 01372 456176

Carols at the Swan Centre, Leatherhead

The Swan Centre Swan Shopping Centre, Leatherhead, Surrey, United Kingdom

We will be performing some festive carols at The Swan Centre, Leatherhead. Pop along for some festive cheer! We will be playing 10.30am- 12.30pm We hope to see you there!

VE Day Afternoon Concert

Fetcham Village Hall The Street, Fetcham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Join us for an afternoon of uplifting music in remembrance of the 80th anniversary of VE day! Timings: TBC